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New Requirements for Temporary Help Service Firms and Their Clients

May 12, 2023

A new law is making changes to records keeping and reporting requirements for temporary help service firms and for the client companies that employ their workers. The law covers many people in temporary work assignments, with some exceptions. Two of these requirements are now in effect, as of May 7th, 2023. 

  • These firms must now provide workers with a statement that contains certain required information in English as well as the language identified by the worker as their primary language.
  • These firms and their clients may not retaliate, through discharge or in any other manner, against any worker who exercises their rights under this law.

The remaining key requirements take effect on August 5th, 2023:

  • Temporary help service firms must be certified by the Division of Consumer Affairs within the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety.
  • These firms must create certain records relating to their temporary workers and must keep these records for six years from their date of creation.
  • These firms and their clients may not charge temporary workers for their transportation to or from a worksite, with certain exceptions.
  • These firms may not obstruct their workers’ rights to seek employment elsewhere, including with their clients, and may not inhibit their clients from hiring those workers.
  • Employers may not enter into a contract for temporary help services with a company that is not certified by the Division of Consumer Affairs. Employers are responsible for verifying the registration status of a temporary help service firm.

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