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Funding Opportunities for Faith Based and Community Organizations

January 30, 2025

Faith and community-based organizations (FBCOs) can leverage several grant programs offered by the New Jersey Office of Faith-Based Initiatives (OFBI) to enhance their services and reach within the community.

Freedom School Planning Grants: These grants aid organizations in the planning stages of establishing NJ Freedom Schools. The funding supports efforts to assess organizational capacity, build infrastructure, recruit certified teachers, and develop parent-focused educational resources. Organizations must form a Freedom School Leadership Team to guide the planning process and engage in mandatory OFBI training.

Social Enterprise Entrepreneurship Development (SE2D) Project: SE2D offers two types of grants: 'Growth' for existing social ventures looking to expand and 'Start-up' for new ventures in the early stages of development. Growth grants require ventures to be revenue-generating and in operation for 1-3 years, while Start-up grants focus on intensive training and business plan development.

Special Projects: This category includes:

  • Civic and Community Engagement: Projects that educate residents on effective community collaboration and advocacy, with activities like organizing training and immigration services.
  • Food Security: Projects supporting organizations providing consistent food services at least four times a week to reduce food insecurity.
  • Services to Seniors: Projects that support aging in place, preventing isolation, and improving the quality of life for low-income seniors.

Social Innovation: This category includes:

  • College Readiness: Help students aged 16-25 gain access to college or trade schools, covering costs like application fees and arranging college tours.
  • Trade Skills Readiness: Educate and provide access to trade schools and apprenticeships for individuals aged 16-30, including paid internships and trade fairs.
  • Youth Entrepreneurship: Develop entrepreneurial skills in middle and high school students and provide startup capital for their business ideas.
  • S.T.E.A.M.: Encourage at-risk youth to explore careers in STEM fields through hands-on experience and education in low-income communities.

Project ATLAS: This capacity-building program offers grants, technical assistance, and coaching to strengthen the sustainability of FBCOs. It focuses on enhancing organizational viability and the capacity to provide quality social services. The program involves forming a leadership team, working with a coach to develop sustainability assessments, and implementing a pilot project based on community needs.

How to Apply

An organized application supported by documentation helps OFBI evaluate your project more quickly. Here’s a quick overview of submitting a successful application.

  1. Confirm Your Eligibility: Verify your organization's eligibility as a non-profit Faith and/or Community-Based Organization serving low-income residents, with the necessary tax-exempt status under IRS Section 501(c)(3). Your organization must be registered with the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs and the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. Confirm that you have a current Charity Registration Number, Business Revenue Number, and good standing with the Business Service Center.
  2. Document Preparation: Collect all required documentation, including the IRS Determination Letter and Certificate of Incorporation.
  3. Participate in Training: Attend the OFBI's technical assistance training webinars for insight into the grant application process.
  4. Application Submission: Complete the application via the System for Administering Grants Electronically (SAGE) before the deadline.
  5. Develop a Comprehensive Proposal: Draft a detailed proposal that includes an overview of your organization, a project summary that aligns with the OFBI's mission, and a clear depiction of organizational capacity.
  6. Highlight Potential Partnerships: While not required, if applicable, describe any collaborative relationships that could enhance your project's reach and effectiveness.
  7. Outline Project Details: Provide a thorough description of your project, including design, target population, project goals, and methods of evaluation.
  8. Ready Post-Award Actions: If awarded, be prepared to engage in necessary communication, adhere to reporting schedules, and fulfill all post-award requirements as outlined by the OFBI.

Applications are due February 28th, 2025 at 4:00pm.


No Action Required For New Filing Requirement

December 12, 2024

A recently introduced measure that required all U.S. companies to report stakeholder information to the U.S. Department of Treasury by December 31, 2024 is no longer in force. A Texas court has issued an injunction blocking the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which includes the Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR). For now, the court’s ruling eliminates the BOIR requirement and deadline. Companies that have already filed a BOIR do not need to take action; companies that wish to file may do so voluntarily. Business.NJ.gov will provide any necessary updates on this situation.


Zero Emission Vehicles Now Subject to Tax

December 12, 2024

Zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) are now subject to sales and use taxes in New Jersey. ZEVs incur a 3.3125% reduced tax rate until July 2025, when they will transition to the standard rate of 6.625%.


Outdoor Dining Permissions Will Not Expire

December 12, 2024

Restaurants and certain retailers or manufacturers of alcoholic beverages may continue to use fixtures such as tents, canopies, umbrellas, tables, and chairs in designated outdoor spaces or on public sidewalks. A new law has made permanent the temporary outdoor dining rule changes adopted in February 2021. Holders of temporary expansion permits issued by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) may convert their temporary permit into a permanent permit at their next annual renewal.


Minimum Wage Increasing to $15.49 Per Hour for Most Workers

December 12, 2024

New Jersey’s statewide minimum wage will increase by $0.36 to $15.49 per hour for most employees on January 1st, 2025. Employees of small or seasonal businesses, direct care staffers at long-term care facilities, tipped workers, and agricultural employees are subject to a different minimum wage scale.


Find Funding for Climate Resilience Projects

December 12, 2024

Businesses interested in opportunities to support the State’s climate resilience are encouraged to visit the new Climate Resilience Funding Directory. The Directory offers streamlined access to opportunities for State and federal grants. Though intended primarily for municipalities and community-based nonprofits, the Directory also includes numerous opportunities for small businesses and other private sector organizations. Use the “Applicant Type” menu and select “Private Sector and/or Small Businesses.”

The Department of Environmental Protection seeks public feedback to improve the Directory. Questions and comments may be emailed to the Resilient NJ program at resilientnj@dep.nj.gov.


Receive Tax Credits to Launch an Apprenticeship Program

December 5, 2024

Businesses, labor unions, and nonprofits can receive up to $10,000 in tax credits to offset the costs of establishing a federally recognized apprenticeship program. The Apprenticeship Tax Credit Program is intended to help cultivate a skilled New Jersey workforce and support the State’s economic growth. Some industries, including advanced manufacturing, construction, healthcare, logistics, pharmaceuticals, transportation, tourism, and renewable energy, may be eligible for enhanced tax credit incentives.


Your Construction Firm May Qualify for Tuition-Free Business Training

October 31, 2024

New Jersey construction companies that are 51% minority-, woman-, or veteran-owned can now enroll in Building for Growth (BFG), a tuition-free, 18-week hybrid training program that teaches participants how to build business capacity, access capital, and secure larger contracts. Eligible companies are based in New Jersey (or conduct significant operations there) and meet specific revenue criteria. Sessions are hosted at Kean University in Union County and online via Zoom.


Developers: Important Note on Site Remediation

September 19, 2024

Contaminated Site Remediation and Redevelopment (CSRR) has issued new guidance on selecting media types (Soils Only, GW Only, or Mixed Media) for remedial phase document submissions. Choosing the correct option is crucial for compliance and avoids delays. For questions, contact the Bureau of Inspection & Review at SRPBIR@dep.nj.gov.


Green Energy Projects Available

September 19, 2024

Solar, construction, engineering, and environmental services businesses can use a new website to identify solar energy projects that are eligible for incentive programs. "Landfill to Solar" offers a step-by-step guide to locate potential project sites in your community and find funding opportunities.

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